The Story Behind Rock Your Vision

Have you ever secretly wondered what life would look and feel like if you were doing life the way you wanted to be doing it?

Have you ever convinced yourself that you “should” be grateful and you “shouldn’t” want or need more than what you have today?

Are you secretly working on an idea or working a side hustle and you feel stuck about what to do next?

Maybe you are an entrepreneur who is playing it safe because you are not willing to fail.

Or maybe you’re already successful doing something you’re great at but something feels off because you are disconnected from what you really care about.

If that’s you, then we have a lot in common.

Five years ago, I was secretly aching for the time and space to consider what was next for me. I was coming to the end of a caregiving journey after a long corporate career, and I was dreading going back to work. Something felt disconnected in my heart and my head but I just couldn’t quite find the spark that – at that point in my life – I needed to feel energized and alive in my life and work.

I spent more than 20 years doing work I was really good at - and all the while I was envying women on social media and magazine covers actually doing things that fascinated me, and seemed to fulfill them.

It never occurred to me that I had any options.

It took one question from a trusted friend for me to discover that I had way more options that I realized. And here is the good news for you, Beloved – you do too.

My name is Karen Hilton. I am Founder and Chief Vision-Caster for the Rock Your Vision Masterclass Community.

Rock Your Vision was founded with the intention of helping professionals, entrepreneurs and vision-driven leaders:

Rock Your Vision was founded with the intention of helping professionals, entrepreneurs and vision-driven leaders:

  1. Discover the value of their own story - all of it.

  2. Re(define) productivity and progress on their own terms - in any season of their lives.

  3. Discover their personal and professional options.

  4. Learn how to shift from fear to curiosity to lead as a way of life.

Coming out of my caregiving journey, I realized that my value, worth and even identity were wrapped up in my title and salary.

And I’ve got a story to prove it!

A close friend invited me to a networking event shortly after I resigned from my dream job to care for my mother.

She could see I was struggling with feeling overwhelmed and isolated so I think she thought at an industry event would perk me up.

Neither one of us could have anticipated how frozen I would feel as people asked me “So, what do you do for a living?”

I stumbled through several awkward conversations and then retreated back into my introvert bubble and excused myself for the evening.

I cried my eyes out when I got in the car to go home, realizing that my beloved mother/best friend was in the process of dying…and waiting for me (and all of the things that went along with that) at home.

My mother is in Heaven now but that fateful challenging night would serve as one of the catalysts for what an entire community now know as Rock Your Vision.

You see, the morning after that networking event, it hit me: I had a choice. I could let grief overwhelm me and keep me feeling afraid and unsure of myself or I could lean into my storm to steady myself and repurpose what I was experiencing.

I couldn’t change what I was experiencing but I could change my response to it.

The crushing loss of my mother blurred my senses and blinded me to the life I had in front of me that I knew Mom would want me to live.

‘‘I decided I was going to ROCK MY VISION and figure out what the heck that meant. In that moment, Rock Your Vision was born.’’

Since 2014, a community of diverse, productive, and inspiring leaders come together to kick off the year with focus, purpose and perspective.

Since our first Masterclass we have grown and created even more options based on community feedback, and a few Angel whispers from Momma Clara.

So let me ask you a question….

What would it take for you to Rock Your Vision?

Who or what would you be if you had a roadmap?

If you slowed down for just a minute, what first step would you take?

Then what would you do next?

Here’s the reality – you have more options than you realize. If that excites you then Rock Your Vision is the community for YOU!

Every community member is different from the next. What we share is an unrelenting belief that we have something to do and something to contribute.

We are ready to explore what’s in our heads and hearts, and even if we don’t know every right next step, we can’t accept the idea of making a difference.

RYV events and experiences are designed to provide practical insights, strategies and information because we know our community members thrive when they are empowered to personalize what they discover.

So whether you just need a kickstart to the year, or you need support throughout the year, Rock Your Vision is that Angel on your shoulder reminding you that “You’ve got this!”

And in case you’ve not heard me say this (and you’ll hear me say this a lot)…”You’ve got more options than you realize.”


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You Can Define Progress On Your Own Terms - My Story And Here's How